Luke Bible Study - Part 2

This is the second in a series of three small-group Bible study discussion guides (Luke 1-9, Luke 10-24 and selected portions of Acts) which explore the meaning of "witness." These are designed to accomplish two purposes. One is simply to strengthen believers as witnesses to the work and life of Jesus, both in history and in their lives. The second is to serve as preparation for Urbana® 96. The Gospel of Luke is a fascinating account of Jesus and those who witnessed his life. Luke tells the story of Jesus—and what that story means for us—in an interesting, accurate and reliable way. May God give your small group rich and rewarding insights as you study his Word together!

Notes for the Discussion Leader
These guides look at Jesus through the eyes of those who actually witnessed him, and then told their story. The studies use the inductive method, a way of looking into the text for the facts, then pondering what they mean, and then considering what they mean for our situation today.

You can help your group get the most out of these studies by presenting some guidelines for effective discussion just before you get into the passage. Here are some to suggest:

  • Approach the Bible ready to learn.
  • Let the text speak for itself rather than depending on outside opinion.
  • Expect the text to answer questions, rather than the leader.
  • Stay in the passage and on the point under discussion. Sometimes the study guide will take you to another passage for background, but try to avoid "tangents" that take your group away from the main passage.
  • Listen to each other and urge quieter people to share their thoughts.
  • Begin and end on time.

The questions in this guide are for your use in preparing and leading. (Note: Helpful leader's notes are in italics throughout the guide.) Make the questions your own, and become familiar with them so that you won't have to look down at your page all the time. Have your own written responses handy as you lead the study. You can set a good pace for your discussion by deciding how much discussion time each group of questions is worth. Leave time for the application questions at the end of each study.

It is easier for study and discussion if everyone has the same version of the Bible. The questions in these studies are based on the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) text. The New International Version (NIV) or the New American Standard Bible (NASB) are other popular versions of the Bible that your group may wish to use.

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© 1995 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA. All rights reserved.